Saturday, November 29, 2008
I didn't think this would ever happen!!!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Jen's Birthday, Twilight and Strep
So Friday was a day we had all been waiting for....It was Jen's Birthday!!! Yeahhhh!!!! Jen I love you!! You are one of my favorite people!! We couldn't have picked a better activity to do to celebrate Jen's Birthday than go to Twilight, since Jen is one of the biggest Twilight fans I know(Brandi, Candace you girls are right up there with her...) I think Jen had read all the Twilight books at least 6 times each...So of course we all bought tickets a month early so we could be sure to get in.... We went out to dinner at 5:00 at Red Robin (soooo Yummy!!) Thanks for sharing your pictures with me Candace!! You are the best! So here is a picture of most of us...Cari and Monica had already left to wait in line for us...almost 3 hours early..:)
Here's Penny(Jen's Mom) and Jen!!! Happy Birthday Jen!!
Julie, Candace, Jen and Me of course!
After we ate Candace and I ran through the mall to find some games to play while we waited for the movie to start...We ended coming back with Apples to Apples and a bowling ball set... we thought it would be fun to bowl while we wait, but there wasn't enough room..sad;) but Apples to Apples is always fun!! ***Sad note***Friday I woke up with a huge headache....but I wasn't going to let a headache stop me....the problem was that it kept getting worse and the time we were sitting waiting for the movie to start I hurt all over, my head was spinning and I felt week, feverish and my throat started hurting...I was trying to be tough but I guess I'm pretty wimpy cause everyone could tell I wasn't my usual talkative self...
I've never been at the Theater this early and waited this long, being sick probably made it feel longer, but I'm glad I was with these girls!! I'm grateful for good friends. It was fun to be there with everyone, the movie was disappointing...I'm not totally sure if it's because I was sick and felt miserable the whole movie, or if it was really that bad...everyone we went with thought it was pretty bad, that it was low budget and way to corny...

Saturday, November 22, 2008
How many people can you fit in one house, and still Love each other when the visit is over?
Sammy, Stew and Emily, Bridger and Angeli were all going to be able to come and visit too!!! We had so much fun, but it's always fun when we are together!! We started out running with Halloween which was a blast...(See our Halloween Football Theme Post) Thanks again sooo much Emily!!! It was fun to see you creating incredible masterpieces!!
Cousin's Pajama Party
All the kiddos got along together soooo well, it was fun to just watch them have fun together, even if it meant messes and stepping over cute kiddos while you are trying to make breakfast!!
The Girls(all but Karli and Angeli)
The Boys(Except Kolby)
Grandma Larsen
We were able to have some really fun visits with Grandma while everyone was here! Grandma Thank you for welcoming all of us into your home and feeding us and watching the BYU Football games with us!!! You are the best!!! Here are some fun pictures we took...What a good sport Grandma...especially for our silly picture!!!
The Ohio Rasmussen Crew with Grandma
The Lovely Laing Crew with Grandma
The Sparks Rasmussen Crew with Grandma
Grandma and her 3 favorite Grandchildren...Just kidding!!;)
All I can say is that we make 3 dang cute Couples!!! Too Cute!!!
The Williams Crew
We couldn't have a trip here in Utah and not get together with the Williams Crew!!! Meridee and Lind opened up their home to all of was fun and crazy...check it out!!!
I was shocked when our crazy idea to get a picture of all the cousins actually turned out pretty good....can you believe all these kiddos?!?! I guess we are doing our share of multiplying and replenishing the earth, huh!! Yup 17 kid and Brayden (7) is the oldest!!! Crazy!!!!
Now here's a picture of the Big Cousins!! Ohhh I love these guys!!
We had soooo much fun with you all here!! We miss you like crazy and want you to come back soon!!;) We'll have to talk another sibling into getting married soon so that we can play!!! We love you guys so much. Thanks for staying with us and for the fun times!!! We love you all....