It's not Halloween without carving Pumpkins.....
We always have so much fun carving pumpkins. This year, Brayden and Adelyn did theirs all by themselves. They did such a good job.
LeGrand did a cute job on Our pumpkin, Kolby loved his to much that after LeGrand carved it for him he broke it into pieces...hence the little tiny broken pumpkin. Kolby still loved it. Every time we would come home, he would say "HI PUMPKIN" as he walked inside. Sometime he would even bend down and give it a kiss. It was cute. Below are the pumpkins that Brayden and Adelyn did. Good job kiddos.
Witches Fingers, Mummies and Ghosts and Grilled Cheese Jack o Lanterns....Yum Yum!!!
This is what our tummies feasted on through the day.... Yummy! The witches fingers is french toast that I shaped like fingers before dipping and cooking them. The Red Witches finger nails is just almond slices dyed with red food coloring. These were a huge hit. Even Sophie loved them.

Dressing up to go to School.
Brayden, Adelyn and Sophie had so much fun dressing up for school. What a hit. If you couldn't tell we decided to go Harry Potter Style this year. Brayden was Harry Potter, Adelyn was Hermione, Sophie was Ginny, Kolby was Ron, LeGrand was Professor Dumbledore and I was Professor McGonagall . I know you can't wait to see the pictures!
Going Trick or Treating Down Town....
Here is our Red headed Ron, What a cutie!!
I never realized that Dumbledore was so attractive till I saw this one.
Our cute little witches.
Going to the Ward Halloween Party....
At our Ward Halloween Party we had fun, the kids were super excited when our family won the "Best Family Costume" Award. They thought it was awesome that they got to run up and get a big bag of candy...ummm just what we need....more candy....
Visiting Grandparents...
We love visiting Grandparents on Halloween. Grandma Larsen was sick and didn't want us to come over and get sick, so she brought us some Halloween Treats, I'm sad we don't have a picture with her this year...Next year we will for sure!!! Grandma and Grandpa Ras thought the kids looked amazing. Thanks for the candy and for the fun time. We love spending time with you guys!!
Here is the whole gang together...just what you were waiting for....

I always thougth that Dumbledore and McGonagall had a thing for each other....I guess I was right!!

Going Trick or Treating with Dorthy, the Lion and the Tin man...I mean Bryan, Helga and Makyla.
Bryan, Helga and Makyla came and went Trick or Treating with us!! It was so fun!!! They made these outfits and we thought they looked AWESOME!!!! I love it!!! My favorite costume was probably Makylas because, this is the Lion costume that Brayden, Adelyn and Ethan all wore on their first Halloween's. She looked sooooo cute!!!
Bryan and Helga, Thanks for coming down and spending the weekend with us!!!! We loved it and just wish it could have lasted longer!! We love you guys!!
There you have it...our Halloween Festivities...
Oh my heck. Your family is so adorable. I loved Ron's hair! lol. What cuties. And i always thought Dumbledore and McGonagall had something too. ;)We love you guys.
Awesome costumes! Wow - I would have given you the Best Family Costume Award too!! Those were so great! I think it's so funny that no one recognized LeGrand.
Dear Potter Clan... lol :) Oh my goodness that was SO MUCH FUN!! We were wishing Halloween could have lasted the whole week! We love you guys and miss you already! :)
Love the OZ clan!
You guys looked awesome!
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