We can make blog books out of our blogs!!

This is what the website says:
Works with many blogging platforms – Supports LiveJournal and TypePad blogs.
Edit in real time – Allows you to customize and edit your book as little or as much as you like.
High quality – Our Hardcover, Dust Jacket, Hardcover, ImageWrap and Softcover books all feature professional bindings and coated, matte paper. Up to 440 pages accommodate thousands of blog posts.
Fast turnaround – Orders arrive on your doorstep in approximately 7 to 10 business days.
Automatic slurp action (watch the video) – Imports and maps blog text, images, comments, and links into professionally designed page layouts.
Affordable – Prices start at only $12.95 for a 40-page softcover, $22.95 for Hardcover, Dust Jacket and $24.95 for Hardcover, ImageWrap. The bookmaking software is free.
Flexible ordering – Order just one or many copies of your book. You have the option to place your book in Blurb’s bookstore for fans to purchase.
If this is true, this changes scrapbooking. I no longer have to feel guilty about not scrapbooking every memory, every trip, every smile. I can scrapbook just the best of the best...the "I love yous" and "How special you are" pages and leave the everyday and weekend activities for the blog book. Go and check it out at http://www.blurb.com/. Click under blog books on the bottom and let me know what you think too.
i've always wondered about this too so i'm glad you're trying it out and will give us a report. :)
I haven't tried to create a blog book yet (obviously, since my blog is only a month old!). But, I do know a thing or two about digital scrapbooking, so if you have any questions, let me know and I'd be happy to help if I can!
I was actually going to do it through blurb but recently found out that they don't support blogger or blogspot anymore. I don't know what happened. They used to but unless something has changed in the last little bit it doesn't work right now! ;-( I was so frustrated! This was the whole plan back from when you and I talked about it!! So I am on the hunt for new sites. If I find one, I am going to try it and I'll let you know. I am curious to see what you find out too! ;-)
I started making a book out of my blog on the site about 3 months ago and haven't worked on it for awhile. But I heard the same thing that Kirsten was saying above, they no longer support blogger on the site. I did like it though, it gave you lots of different options for page layouts and backgrounds, etc. I saw on someone's blog awhile back that they had used another online site for a blog book, but I can't for the life of me remember whose blog it was or what the name of the site was. So I guess I'm not much help!
i thought i saw an ad at walmart.com in their photo dept. that said they do blog books. i'd try there first - i bet it's inexpensive.
Becca....I just wanted to find out about blurb for sure...bad and good news. (I would call but I can't find my phone cuz it dead!!! I will call when I find it!) I emailed blurb support and got this email back:
Hi Kirsten,
Thank you for contacting Blurb.
We're going to be working hard to fix all our blog slurpers (including LiveJournal, Wordpress and Blogger slurpers, which currently aren't functioning properly). Unfortunately, we can’t promise success for any given platform, and any fixes that are successfully implemented won’t come until this year (hopefully early 2009). Currently, Typepad is the platform BookSmart can slurp successfully.
We'll be updating http://forums.blurb.com/forums/1 when we've got more information. I do hope that you're able to see your blog-to-book vision through with Blurb in 2009, and sincerely thank you for your patience.
Best Wishes,
Customer Support
Anyway, I don't know if it is better to find somewhere else, or be patient...what do you think? I am bummed!!!!!!!
OH my!! I just went down this road..I had slurped my blog back in July, and then found in January when I tried to finish it that yeah they dont support blogger anymore..I finished it manually...which means..copy and past all the journal captions and then I copied and saved all the pics in a specific folder so they were easy to find and then finished the book that way..My opinion..I've done a few blurb books..they are good quality and the cheapest and they do ship fast...My blog book ended up being 314 pgs..one year worth..it was abt $100. I have also discovered that it is way easier to digiscrap my stuff, and then, when I go to put it into the book, I dont have to try to pick a template that works for the number of pics and size of text from that particular post. In the end, that ends up being faster for me...and cuter too I think. So, hopefully blurb takes blogger again soon, or you will have to find another site, or do it all manually..I hope this helps. :)
Oh you guys are awesome! Thanks for the info! I'm bummed about not being able to slurp it right now, but we'll see what happens. I'm going to see what else I can find out and then I'll let you all know how it goes. I still want all the information and experience you guys have!! Thanks again for your help!!!
Hi, Becca. I know you have answers to all of your questions already...But I did use blurb to make a book and when I tried to actually upload it to their site so I could order it, it wouldn't work. They gave me some things to try and none of them worked. But what I wanted to tell you was that it's not very "scrapbook-y". No embellishments or anything. Maybe others' experiences have been different, but for a basic, no frills book it would be fine. But if it doesn't work on blogger then never mind!! Have a great day!
Becca-It was great to hear from you! You look wonderful and your little kiddos sure are cuties! It's great to catch up!!
Same thing here Becca. Blogger is not accepted right now and the email I read said they hoped to figure it out in 2009....not very promising. Carrie is right that it's not very scrapbook-y but very nice looking in a very professional way...guess it just depends on what you are looking for. I am customizing pages from blurb to make a family book every year. I want to be more selective about what I print so I don't think I would want to slurp my whole blog anyway. Call me and we can get together and I will show you what I am working on.
Just digi scrap it, come on, join the bandwagon!!!
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