As soon as the guys were done cleaning up, my Uncle Carl who is a plummer came and installed a sump pump. Hopefully that will fix the problem and we won't have anymore flooding problems. Even if it does flood, at least it will pump the water out fast!! I hope we never have to live through a mess like this again! Carl, Thank you so much for helping us!! You are amazing!!!!!
So now the crawl space is drying out, the pump is almost done. Today we will take the bottom part of the sheet rock down and continue letting it dry out. In the mean time I'm trying to go through all our stuff....I seriously need to get in the decluttering mood. Time to get back to work!! ***Bummer...yeah the insurance won't cover anything because it was water from outside.....if a pipe broke we would be in better shape cause it would be such luck!! All of us in the neighborhood are going to complain to the city and see if they can do something to prevent this in the future!! Wish us luck!!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Todays Adventures....Progress
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Great Flood....:(
Here is our little "Flood Club". Brayden, Adelyn and Sophie made it up. Brayden is the President, Adelyn is the Vice President, Sophie is the Secretary. We have already held several "club" meeting trying to figure out how we can fix the play room... (you like our cereal supply, Yea I do coupons and this is our stash in the crawl space...they were up on stuff so they didn't get wet, but we brought them up anyways.) What big helpers we have!!! Thanks kiddos!
Sad would be bad enough if this just happened to us....but it didn't...Our whole neighborhood is flooded...there are at least 15 families that got flooded.....and I'm sure there are more that we don't know about yet. I've never been in a disaster, but this is the nearest we've come. It was amazing to see our neighborhood and ward pull together....We have had tons of people run over to help, call on the phone. Thank you to everyone who came to help, Kevin, Brandon, Peter, Carl, Nick, you guys are amazing!!! I know it sounds dumb, but after we found out we were flooding I was feeling panicked and urgent to get it all done, then Brayden suggested that we say a prayer, we prayed as a family and then went back to work. I was thinking and praying in my heart and I just kept feeling like we need help. Moments later the phone rang and it was Kevin Cook calling to see if we were flooded, and to say he was on his way over and see if Lona Marie could watch the kids... I started balling after I got off the phone...In the midst of trials Heavenly Father still wraps his arms around you!! For that I'm eternally grateful!!
We are pumping out water, but we still have 2 inches on both sides now....tomorrow we will probably have to have the professional cleaners come and help so we don't get any mold...Ahhhhh Then we need to figure out what to do so that this won't ever happen again...I wish I could say that this was almost over...but I'm afraid we are far from being done.... it could be least it's just rain water instead of a busted sewer line.........yes it could be worse!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Slurping?!, Talk about Multi-Tasking!!!!!!

We can make blog books out of our blogs!!

This is what the website says:
Works with many blogging platforms – Supports LiveJournal and TypePad blogs.
Edit in real time – Allows you to customize and edit your book as little or as much as you like.
High quality – Our Hardcover, Dust Jacket, Hardcover, ImageWrap and Softcover books all feature professional bindings and coated, matte paper. Up to 440 pages accommodate thousands of blog posts.
Fast turnaround – Orders arrive on your doorstep in approximately 7 to 10 business days.
Automatic slurp action (watch the video) – Imports and maps blog text, images, comments, and links into professionally designed page layouts.
Affordable – Prices start at only $12.95 for a 40-page softcover, $22.95 for Hardcover, Dust Jacket and $24.95 for Hardcover, ImageWrap. The bookmaking software is free.
Flexible ordering – Order just one or many copies of your book. You have the option to place your book in Blurb’s bookstore for fans to purchase.
If this is true, this changes scrapbooking. I no longer have to feel guilty about not scrapbooking every memory, every trip, every smile. I can scrapbook just the best of the best...the "I love yous" and "How special you are" pages and leave the everyday and weekend activities for the blog book. Go and check it out at Click under blog books on the bottom and let me know what you think too.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Time Flies

Kolby's 1 year Stats
Weight: 22 lbs 6 oz
Height : 30 inches
Favorite things: Loves walking, running, sliding down the stairs on his tummy, playing peek a boo, feeding himself, clapping, picking things up and putting them in drawers, taking things out of drawers, playing in the toilet, taking baths, turning off the light switches with Mommy holding him, playing with his siblings (they ADORE him!!!!) dancing to music, cheering with his hands up over his head; just like he's signaling a touch down (so cute). Loves being with Mom and Dad, seriously he is totally in his element if he's cuddling right between us. He's climbing everywhere and getting into everything. He LOVES MAKING MESSES!! He has the cutest wave and says Bye, Hi, Mom and Dad. He signs more, milk,'s adorable!! And he even pretends to talk on the phone
Kolby, You have brought so much joy into our lives. You are such a sweet little guy. I know that Heavenly Father loves me because he sent you to our Family! It's hard to believe that you've only been in our family for 1 year, but then again time sure has flown!! We love you son!!!!