Friday, February 1, 2008

What to wear when the wife has chores for you‏!!

So this is how LeGrand gets out of helping around the house!!!! I finally figured it out!!! Ok LeGrand is actually really good at helping me but I thought this was funny!!!


Yasmine said...

That is hilarious. It took me a few seconds to realize what I was looking at!

Andelin said...

Hilarious! Do they have one for Moms?

Becca said...

We could just rename it with something like, what to wear when all the kids are crying... we should make one up!!!

Cristy said...

Thanks for making me laugh out loud. I like to order one for my home!!

Kirsten said...

Oh I could have used this disguise a couple of times today alone!!!!! I wish I had an invisiblity cloak or something you know? Awesome picture!

gunnfam said...

Super funny! Josh loved it. A little too much I think!

Pollock Palooza said...

Becca?.... I just found you on another blog... how are you? It's Liz (Phillips)! Look how big your kids are! I think I saw one while I was on the mish and your whole family came to temple square! Cute family! I think we have one about the same age. Anyway check out our blog

Becca said...

oh my gosh, that is hilarious :) it seriously took me like 3 separate times of coming to your blog to actually see him! that is great :)