It is hard to believe that you are already 11 months old. You are growing up so fast. You are walking everywhere now. I think your record is around 30 steps now. You are getting more and more steady and sure of yourself every day! You love to walk, clap, play peek a boo, give high fives and wave goodbye. You just started giving hugs and kisses too.. It melts our hearts! You say Mamma, Dadda, Jesus and Daisy. You are learning sign language too and can say.... More, Please and Thank you! You are such a happy baby who makes everyone smile... even strangers just passing us in the store. Since it's Summer time and we've been in the pool a bunch we've discovered again how much of a water baby you are.
You LOVE the water, you love swimming, splashing, floating and going in the bath tub too. You also LOVE music and to dance. It's the cutest thing ever. You are so busy all the time and love making messes. You also put everything in your mouth... we have to be so careful to keep the laundry room door closed since that's where Daisy's dog food is.. You have eaten more dog food than I'd like to admit. Bathroom doors and toilets are also closed since we have also found you several times playing in the water. Good thing the toilets were at least flushed but it still was seriously gross. OK, for the grossest thing that you have put in your mouth.... one day as I was making dinner you were just crawling around by my feet and Adelyn said, "Oh mom, Brielle just put something in her mouth..." Since my hands were messy for dinner prep I asked Addy to get it out. When she went over there, she screamed and I quickly turned and sure enough a LIVE FLY was crawling out of your mouth, down your chin. I don't know how you did it. You must have some seriously fast reflexes but we were completely grossed out. Our poor baby girl. I'm thinking you are going to end up with the best immune system us of all. We do love you dearly our most Presh Presh!!!! You are beautiful!!!

So sweet. I miss her and her siblings and parents already.
cute baby..
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Hi Bro. and Sister Laing! My name is Jennifer Zimbelman. I was in Bro. Laing's seminary class at Timpview High School in 2011/2012. I am now getting married and I would love to send you an invitation to my reception. Bro. Laing made a huge impact in my life and I would love to invite you all. I can't seem to find him on Facebook, but I recognize the pictures of your kids from class. Please contact me at jazimbelman@gmail.com and if you feel comfortable, please send your mailing address so we can send you an invitation. Thanks so much!
Jennifer Zimbelman
Miss reading your blog!
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gebze evden eve nakliyat her zaman müşteri dostu bir firmadır ve sizleri memnun etmek için çalışmaktadır. Bizler her daim sizler için varız ve sizlerle büyüyoruz. Arayın ve dilediğiniz zaman için rezervasyonunuzu açtırınız.
kocaeli güven nakliyat olarak marka tescili dahilinde eski ve köklü bir firmayız. Bizlere telefon numaralarımızdan ulaşabilir, istediğiniz zaman rezervasyon işlemlerinizi yaptırabilirsiniz. Temsilcilerimiz sizlerden gelen çağrıları büyük bir memnuniyetle cevaplayacaklar ve sorularınıza tatminkar yanıtlar vereceklerdir.
kocaeli güven nakliyat bir taşımadan beklediğiniz her şeyi size sunar. Eşyalarınızı paketler, mobilyalarınızı söker ve kurar. Eğer isterseniz toplamalı hizmet ile ufak tefek eşyalarınızı da koliler. Sizler hayal edin kocaeli guven nakliyat yapsın. Bizleri telefon numaralarımızdan günün her saati arayabilirsiniz.
Taşımalarımızda kapalı kasa kamyonları kullanıyor, aralıksız olarak hizmet veriyoruz. Bütün il ve ilçelere taşıma yapıyor, her bölgede çalışıyoruz
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