Our adventure of the month is almost over....I hope we don't have to do this again...ever...but that's ok. We survived! If you missed our previous posts, our crawl space flooded at the end of January and we just got it all put back together...It's been a long messy month. Here are some pictures of our adventures! This is when LeGrand and the kiddos had to rip out some of the drywall...sad...

Brayden was bummed about the whole thing, but he was an awesome helper! What a big guy!!

Oh I love these boys!! Soooo Handsome!!

I love the expressions on their faces... They were acting it out, but I think that's about how they really felt...

I just had to show a lovely picture of the mess we've been living with this past month...ok it wasn't this bad...we did organize everything...but man, it feels good to have most everything put back together again finally!!!

I just had to throw this cute one in of Kolby and Sophie!! Aren't they precious!?!?

Cute action shot...if you can tell, Kolby loves to be in on all the action, and he LOVES his daddy.

I have to say how proud I am of LeGrand...he fixed the crawl space all by himself, well the kids and I helped a lot, but I was impressed with all he knows how to do now!! I guess after you build a play room (with help from friends), just fixing it isn't that hard. It was fun to see him plan it out and do it all on his own. Last year before they did the playroom he wouldn't have been able to fix the sheet rock, the step and lay carpet all by himself! It was fun to see how "Handy" my hubby is becoming!!

Yeah, this is a pretty typical picture of our little Kolby!!! No pants on, big smile, climbing on everything! I swear I get him dressed every day, actually like 5 times a day...
Here is a fun picture of our little helpers/cheerleaders. Wow, Harry Potter even joined them.

Drum roll please........ok, the storage is decluttered, and organized......

The Food Storage is getting there...

The Sheet rock, the carpet and the painting is all done!!

And now we have the TOYS back down here!!! Hip, Hip HURRAY!!!!!!

Here's to our new and improved, more water proof playroom!!! Now let's all pray that the new sump pump and the rain gutters will keep all the water out!!!
Bravo! What a lot of work! I'm so proud of you guys. It looks so good. I'm sure you weren't planning on spending so much time doing it, but it's paid off!!! I love you!!!
Look at you guys!!!!!!!!! That's amazing!!! I know it hasn't been easy but look at all you guys have accomplished!! Talk about a real growing experience. I am proud of you guys and your house looks so clean, so organized and so declutterd!!! I bet that feels soooo good!! I am a tinge bit jealous!! ;-) Ok, not of the flooding, or the damage, or the long month you have but of your awesome basement!!! ;-) We love you guys!
P.S. I LOVE Sophie's bangs!!!!!
Congrats on getting it all done! It looks great!
So cool that you have a basement! Looks like some of your kids are almost getting too tall to play there.
I'm SO happy for you that it's finally back to normal! I'm terrified of flooding-- I'm resisting a basement in our next house because of that reason! Love you guys. Congrats on working together and getting the job done. I bet your kids will always remember this experience as something that brought you all closer together.
Whoo-hoo! Your basement looks great! You guys did a great job! You must be so lucky to have cute little kids and Legrand helping you clean and make a new crawl space! Way to go! I'll keep my finger cross for you so that the basement will not get flooded again!
That picture of Kolby reminds me so much of Bridger. :O) Love it! You guys did such a good job! Lets hope it stops raining and pouring down on you guys. (literally and metaphorically!) Love you! If mom and dad are still there tell them hi for me. :)
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