Thursday, March 25, 2010
Yes, That's my sister!!!

St. Patricks Day Adventures....
Adelyn made a Leprechaun trap for her 1st grade class.....it's too bad she didn't catch our Leprechaun....
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Kolby's 2 year Photo Shoot

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Who knew that God would answer my Prayers like that?
Ever since we put Kolby's crib away, bed time has been a PAIN!! Without his crib to contain him he's everywhere except where he should be...in his bed. I would seriously have a headache every night and was getting tired of this battle. LeGrand and I decided that we needed to pray about what would be the best thing to do... After we prayed we had the feeling that we needed to LOCK Kolby in his room. I was surprised! What Lock my baby in his room??!?!?! The next night I talked with Kolby about being a big boy and that big boys need to fall asleep in their beds and stay in their beds all night long. After we were all ready for bed I went and put him in reminding him to say in his bed. I told him that if he got out I would lock the door. Well within about .05 seconds he was out of his bed and in our room. (This kid is FAST). I picked him up, put him back in his big boy bed and walked out and locked the door behind me. He screamed, cried and called for Momma and then Dadda. He was crying saying that we locked the door. After about 10 minutes I walked back in his room and picked him up in my arms. He kept saying... "Mommy, you locked the door.." over and over again. I layed him down in his bed and told him I wouldn't lock it again if he just stayed in his bed. He said OK. I thought, "Here we go again". Well he actually stayed in his bed, and has gone to bed and stayed there for 5 nights now. I just remind him that if he gets out, I'll lock the door. I was really surprised when we got that prompting, but it worked like a charm... I'm so grateful that some prayers get answered really fast..... if not, I might have already pulled all my hair out. Finally we have peaceful Bedtimes again!!!!
Valentines Day
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Can she already be 5?!?!?
It's hard to believe that our Sophie is already 5 years old!!!! We had fun celebrating her Birthday yesterday!! I was prepared to make her a big breakfast, but those of you that know her wouldn't be surprised when she just wanted cereal.. It wasn't just any kind of cereal, it was Fruity Pebbles...a cereal I never buy. She couldn't have been happier. Easy enough.
Sophie was really excited about her birthday cake this year....She wanted a CASTLE CAKE!! It was really easy and she LOVED it.
Keeping up with the tradition, Grandma and Grandpa sent their newest 5 year old granddaughter a purse full of money. This tradition started when Whitney turned 5 and Grandma Ras sent her a "Purse full of money" She was so excited!!! Now when my parents have a granddaughter turn 5 this is what they get. Sophie was so excited. In the purse Sophie found a wallet with a bunch of pockets and money was in every nook and cranny. It was cute to watch all of the kids faces as Sophie kept finding more and more money!! Thanks Mom and Dad!! It was soooo cute!!!
After she opened some presents we went Bowling for Sophie's Birthday. Holly and Candace came and we had a blast bowling, eating pizza (the kids) and Costa Vida (the adults) It was fun.