This week Brayden informed us that when he grew up he wanted to be a "Food Maker" so that he could make REALLY Big Hot Dogs. LeGrand and I just looked at each other and smiled. Our Bray-Man has told us alot of times what he wants to be when he grows up and they are always different! I think we've heard them all. Some of the list includes a Missionary, a Fire Fighter, a Police Officer, a Dad, a Farmer, a Race Car Driver, a Rock Star, a Builder, a Mechanic, a Doctor, a Teacher, a Surfer, a Bus Driver, a Pilot, an Author, a Cowboy, a basketball player, a baseball player, a football player, a black belt in karate, a Hunter, a Pirate, a Seminary Principal (like his Dad)... as you can see the list goes on and on. Brayden we know that whatever you want to do you will be able to succeed. We love you and are grateful that you are a little boy with big dreams. We know that God can help you make all of your dreams come true!! We love you!!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
You have to try this.....
Friday, May 23, 2008
The School Carnival
Westside has a Spring Carnival every year. The kids love it and totally look forward to going. We always have a blast!! This year the Brayden and Adelyn were super excited to get their hair painted...It wasn't my favorite thing ever, but they loved it!! Usually it's hot and feels like summer during the carnival, but this year it was chilly and we were really lucky that we didn't get rained on!!
Brayden you look awesome!
At first, Adelyn didn't want to get her hair sprayed, but then she saw Brayden do it and changed her mind. I'm glad that the kids don't really want blue hair.
Here is Brayden and Adelyn with Kirsten and Zachary Stitt. They are all buddies, they are in the same classes and they always have fun playing together. I'm grateful that our kids have good friends!!
Even with striped and polka dot hair you two are the cutest kiddos ever!!
Ok, they had this "Gladiator" thingy and the kids loved it!!!! Here is Holly and Brayden about to duke it out.
Holly and Adelyn waiting in line. Isn't that cute, they are holding hands!;) Adelyn loves Holly, and totally looks up to her. Holly is so cute with the girls!! Thanks for being such a good friend and example to my little girls. They want to be just like you!!
And here we have Adelyn and Brayden.....
Brayden and Zachary Stitt.....
Sophie and Adelyn....Yeah the worker had to help Sophie, but she loved being a big girl with Addy.
I just thought this one was adorable. They were just standing their in line and I couldn't help get this picture!! I'm really a lucky mommy!!!!
Even while we were waiting in the lines, they kids had a blast.
I love the look on Sophie's face in this picture. She loved the bounce house especially because all the kids were in their together! I love to see my kids happy with a big smile on their faces!!!
Brayden the Macho man, and all these beautiful girls....I'm truely blessed!!
We are excited that summer is coming and that the weather is getting warmer!! I can't wait till my kids will all be home with me!! I can't wait for school to get out!! Yeah, only one more week!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Zoo full of 1st Graders
Wow riding with a bus full of 1st graders was interesting, fun and loud...I had a headache when we got home, but it was well worth it!!
Everyone just loves Brayden. I'm glad you have so many good friends and that you are such a good boy!!
The kids had so much fun looking at all the animals. Brayden was so excited to see the Lion and can you believe it, there isn't a Lion at the Hogle Zoo. And they call them selves a zoo. Sorry Brayden!
Ahhh lunch is always good!!!
I love you Brayden and I'm glad that we are buddies!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
My Dad!!!

I had to throw one of you in here with your old glasses. There you were holding me!! How Precious!!
Ok I guess this is a baby theme, but here you are holding Adelyn!
Of course, I had to get one of you and Mom, since you guys make eachother look even better. Thank you for your example to me of how a husband should treat his wife and how a father should treat his kids. I'm grateful that I had your example to look up to when I was seeking my eternal companion!! I'm grateful that LeGrand treats me and our kiddos so well!! Thanks Dad!!
I had to continue with the baby holding pictures..You are definatly a pro!!! No wonder your an amazing Grandpa!!!
I love this picture of you and Mom!! Thanks for loving eachother so much!! You are an inspiration to me!!
Dad/Grandpa we love you so much!! Thanks for listening to us sing Happy Birthday to you today even though it was a little bit painful!! The kids had fun singing crazy to you!! We love you and hope you have had a great day!!
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Our Swing Set and Fence!!!!
Our Swing Set and Our Fence
As you can tell Our Swing Set and Fence were in desperate need of some we went to Home Depot and got all the supplies. It took about 3 weeks to get it all done since it kept raining, everything else was so busy, but after 2 full Saturday's and many more hours it's Finally Done!!! Yay!!! Thanks for working so hard on it LeGrand, and Chris and Brandon and Candace. You guys are awesome!! We really appreciate your help and friendship!! Thanks again!!!
Adelyn is adorable with all the stain splatters on her face. She worked hard, can you tell??!?!Good job Addy!!! Thanks for your help!!
Kolby like always, was such a good baby. He loved being outside and watching everything going on around him.
Chris, Brayden and Adelyn working hard. Chris, thanks again for helping all day long!! You are a stud and we are grateful for your help.
Sophie is a doll. Thanks for being our big helper. You look sooooo cute in your paint shirt!!
Adelyn got our "Worker" Award. She was amazing!!! If it wasn't painting the fence it was helping with Kolby!! Thanks Adelyn!!! What would I do without you?!?!
Brayden said that painting the fence reminded him of the movie "Karate Kid". Now he'll be even better than he was at Karate;)
LeGrand, you worked sooo hard. Thank you for always working sooo hard for our family!!! You are amazing!!
Wow!!!! Doesn't that look awesome!!!!! Yay!!!!
This was Kolby's first time in the swing!! He loved it!!! What a cutie!!!! I can't believe he's growing up sooo fast!!
I love my family!!! You guys are the BEST!!!