Kolby is already a month old. I can't believe that he's already been in our family for a month. Then at the same time it feels like he has always been one of us. This past month as been filled with so many feelings and experiences. Just to be able to bring a new child into this world straight from heaven is such a miracle! I'm grateful that my Father in Heaven has given me the opportunity to be able to bear children.
I'm also amazed that so many babies are born perfectly healthy, w
hen there are so many things that can go wrong, and even if there is something wrong I'm grateful that a lot of things can be fixed. I'm grateful to have 4 healthy children. I'm also grateful that I have been healthy, even at the time some of the things we go through to get these babies here are really hard, I'm healthy and all is well with me too. What a blessing!!!
I am also amazed at how fast you become attached to a new memb
er of your family. I know we all felt attached to Kolby to a degree while I was pregnant (I know I felt most attached, since he was attached to me;)) but for all of us it was instant as soon as we saw him. Then the feeling grows as you hold him, love him, kiss him, look into his eyes, take care of him, feed him, bathe him, protect him (which has to happen quite a bit when you have 4) play with him, talk to him, sing to him, rock him... the list could go on forever.
I'm amazed at how fast Kolby grows and changes. Kolby is
now 10 pounds. It is hard to believe that he's not always going to be my little baby, even though I'm excited for him to grow up, a part of me wants him to stay this way forever. Babies don't stay little very long and I feel like I'm trying to drink it in all I can. I don't want him to grow up to fast. It has already happened fas
t but we are enjoying every day. Kolby is a great nurser and he is getting to be a better sleeper, Thank goodness!! Two nights ago he slept for 5 hours in a row, then Last night he went 5 1/2 hours in a row!!!! It was amazing. I think anyone who has had kids will understand how exciting that is!!!
Kolby is getting so strong, he can hold up his head, well
kind of, when he's on his tummy he can lift his head up and move it to the other side. He's definitely getting stronger and less flimsy. He has always loved to have his hands by his face, it's been so cute, but now he is learning how to grab things. His favorite thing to grab is my hair and the collar of my shirt. The other kids think it's pretty funny to see him
pulling moms hair.
As you can tell by some of these pictures, Kolby likes to
play with his
tongue and make faces at us. Every time Ad
elyn sees him licking his lips or sticking out his tongue she says, "Mom Kolby's hungry, he's doing this again" While she come up to me and imitates him. It's sooo cute!! I
love his little tongue!!

Kolby has seriously been a
joy to have in our family. We have been trying to be careful and keep him healthy and so far he's done great. He had a little stuffy nose for a few days and had a l

ittle eye infection but those are under control and we feel really
blessed. We still haven't gone to church and we have stayed home for the most part. We still have to drop off Adelyn and pick up Brayden and Adelyn every day from school, b

ut we have tried to be really careful. Our kids are really good at washing their hands and we have been going through
hand sanitizer like it was nothing but we are for the most part st

aying healthy!!! I'm trying the best I can, but we are exposed to a lot, with kids in school and LeGrand teaching... so we will just keep doing our best.
Having 4 kids has been
fun, busy, hard, tiring,
wonderful, stressful,
enjoyable.... but isn't that how it is with any a

mount of kids?!?!? I feel blessed to have the kids we have, they are really
good. I've felt my love grow as Kolby has joined our family, but the hardest thing I think has been that my time does multiply a

nd I still only have two arms. I need/want to make sure that everyone is
emotionally taken care of. That also includes myself and LeGrand. Sometimes I feel like I'm getting stretched in all directions, and when everyone decides its time to cry, I usually just have to sit down and cry with them =) Thankfully those moments are few and far between!!! Life is busy and
wonderful. I do love being a mom and I'm gratefu

l for LeGrand and all he does for me and the kiddos. He's busy and had lots of meetings but he always makes time for us, to do fun things with us and let us know that we are on the top of his list. Life is